A Family of Salish & Kootenai Tribally Owned Businesses


Last fall, we published an article about a new contract that S&K Logistics Services (SKLS) had been awarded at the Savannah River Site (SRS), 南卡罗来纳的一个核设施,由能源部管理,. 本文详细介绍了SKLS为集成和规划办公室(OIP)提供直接支持的工作,该办公室在这个300平方英里的设施中集成了多个任务区域.

SRS Implosion of K Cooling TowerSRS的政府雇员和承包商参与了一项大规模和成功的努力,以确保和稳定冷战核时代的材料,并开发和展示相关技术. 最初,这意味着对美国核设施和核材料的管理.S. 核武器计划,包括乏核燃料和燃料循环液体废物. Along with that core mission is the everyday support to programs like security, environmental remediation, 以及对场址的使用和停用设施进行基础设施维护.

As expected for an installation of this size and age, 基础设施项目本身就是这个拥有60年历史的设施运营连续性的重要组成部分. SRS拥有自己的电力、蒸汽产生和分配系统 , bridge and roadway network, communication, and computer network systems. 维护基地基础设施所需的“一般工厂项目”足够广泛,因此在2017年被提议成为一个单独的项目元素.

SKLS senior staff members, and those of its teaming partner Pro2Serve, support two core OIP missions at SRS; one for planning support with the Mission Planning Division, 二是与项目管理及控制部(PMCD)提供技术专长。. 两者都有助于伊办履行其使命,以1美元的年度预算(2016财年)整合整个现场的活动.3 billion.

misn_r-disassembly_SRS任务规划司确定方案和工作要素之间的后勤关系, and compiles this information into work plans and cost estimates. These plans span 5-year, 10-year, 生命周期和战略计划的重点范围集中在后勤和绩效方面, to more budget and forecast-oriented plans. 这些计划产品中最全面的是综合生命周期成本估算(ILCE),它显示了范围, schedule, and estimate for all work across the installation.

With steadfast leadership from planning veteran, Cheryl Davidowicz, 自2011年以来,SKLS员工一直支持ILCE产品,并正在寻找优化整个站点性能的方法. In 2016, ILCE估计,到2065年,在SRS完成任务和资产退役的费用将超过700亿美元. With the data that SKLS is able to compile, SRS的任务单位对其总体范围和预算有更好的了解, seeing how moving parts affect other moving parts. 由此产生的影响分析将显示内部资金变化将如何影响业务.

PMCD支持OIP实施项目,并监督项目工作的执行情况. 他们运用他们在计划和项目管理方面的专业知识来支持项目的制定, mission verification, categorization (construction, capital asset, operations) and baseline development. 他们对项目的技术和管理组件的综合知识确保SRS符合采办法规和美国能源部项目绩效指令的广泛要求.

方案管理和发展支助工作人员的大部分努力确保准确地报告每年在实地进行的超过7.83亿美元特派团工作的执行情况报告系统. The PMCD support staff (Rich Smalley, Sam Budenstein, Gary Howard, 和大卫摩尔)运用他们的综合技术和管理知识来保持工作绩效, reporting, budgets, and contracts aligned.

Of course, none of this happens without money and the resident budget formulation expert, Brandon McBride. Brandon is always working to resolve budget-development assumptions, budget request development, push back, or reprogramming. 布兰登是一股稳定而灵活的力量,确保国会预算分类中的正确资金流向项目需要. In fact, 由于他在2016财年综合预算和2017财年预算规划方面的努力, the SKLS group has garnered positive feedback from DOE clients, site managers, and the South Carolina Governors Nuclear Advisory Council.

SRS是美国第一个国家环境研究公园,拥有世界上最广泛的生态数据库,将自然隔离区与工业化地块进行了比较. On a given day, 活动范围可以从支持讨论如何处置国际裁军努力产生的武器级核材料,到在路上停下来让一只母鸡和她的小鸡通过——这就是它的有趣之处!

SKLS Savannah River Site Team Photo 2016

Photo 1: Saltstone Type 2 tanks at SRS. 图2:第一次内爆拆除K冷却塔的标志性图像. Photo 3: The R reactor disassembly in process. (Photos courtesy Savannah River Site.)

Photo 4: The SKLS support team at SRS (L to R) Tyson Ramsey, Gary Howard, David Moore, Anthony Palmer, Sam Budenstein, Rich Smalley, Brandon McBride, and Cheryl Davidowicz.

Knowledge of The Past. Vision for The Future.



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